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Lead Magnet Mastery
The Barriers Preventing You From Creating a Successful Lead Magnet
Introduction (8:30)
Resources Mentioned In The Video
Finding Your Audience
How To Find Your Target Audience (56:28)
How To Find Out What Your Audience Wants (26:15)
How To Use Facebook To Find Out What Your Audience Wants (20:19)
Resources Mentioned In This Module
How To Choose a Lead Magnet
What Does Your Lead Magnet Need To Do? (35:04)
Which Lead Magnet Is Right For You & Your Audience? (68:38)
How To Create a Lead Magnet
How To Create a Video as a Lead Magnet (45:00)
Resources Mentioned In This Module
How To Create a Landing Page For Your Lead Magnet
How To Write Effective Sales Copy for Your Landing Page (47:09)
How To Design a Landing Page (50:07)
Resources Mentioned In This Module
How To Promote Your Lead Magnet
How To Promote Your Lead Magnet (78:20)
Resources Mentioned In This Module
Resources Mentioned In The Video
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